Sunday, January 29, 2006

Saturday's Hike recalled

I'm posting photos from my hike yesterday on my yahoo 360 site. I really needed that time by myself with the camera. Could have taken more photos but forgot to bring an additional memory card.
Looks like the balancing stones from last year have all fallen but that's the beauty of them. In the spring me and whoever the other people are who are building them will have the pleasure of rebuilding.
Deb and I went to brunch at Sally Lund's Tea House. One of our favorite places. Deb had the afternoon tea with Black Currant Tea while I had the Chicken Curry Salad with apples, raisins and some Mango juice squeezed in. Tea was Blood Orange Tea. We will be making the chicken curry this summer for sure for our guest. We're also working on recreating the receipe for Lavendar Lemon Punch. Found food grade Lavendar at the health food store and we have found receipe's online. Seems it starts with making an lavendar infusion which you add to the Lemonade. Should be fun.
Later today I plan on working on the logo for the Equality Playwrights Festival for DiverseCity Theater. And some other less exciting projects for work.
I really want to get to finishing up the ice shots from last year and compiling a book.
Also want to do other books featuring the photos of the Crosscut wood.
And what may be my favorite when I get enough photos, Rust.
My fascination with rusted metal has been a life long thing. even as a kid I remember picking up piece. Part of the fun is they're fractal nature and also the temporary nature. Very similar to what Andy Goldsworthy sees in his constructions.
This is the same reason I like balancing stones in the woods and in the backyard.
An idea. I would like to see about carving a totem for the backyard.
Need to call Arlene or one of the sculptors from Penumbra and see where to buy good wood


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